Mr. Li has also been admitted previously by the Hong Kong Court as well as the Market Misconduct Tribunal as an expert witness on a number of corporate finance and securities related litigations or cases as follows:

HKSAR vs Client 1 (Chairman of a listed company with market cap over HK$1 billion)
Issues relating to failing to disclose the alleged trading of shares by related parties

HKSAR vs Client 2 (Chairman of a listed company with market cap over HK$1 billion )
Issues relating to failing to disclose alleged price sensitive information in an announcement leading to share price fluctuation

Market Misconduct Tribunal proceeding against Chairman (Client 3) and certain directors and officers of a listed company
Issues relating to the trading of shares by insiders alleged to be in possession of certain price sensitive information of a listed issuer

Disputes between the Trustee of the Estate and the remaining family members (including Client 4) of the deceased, a well –known HK businessman
Issues relating to the preservation treatment and investment direction of the estate of the deceased

Disputes between Trustee of the Bankrupt and Client 5, controlling shareholder of a listed company
Valuation of the shares in issue and issues relating to the price of the acquisition of a block of shares leading to a general offer

Disputes between the controlling shareholder and a major shareholder (Client 6) of a listed company
Issues relating to the IPO procedures in relation to the spin off listing of a subsidiary of a listed company

HKSAR vs Client 7 and certain ex-directors of a listed company
Issues relating to allegedly defrauding the shareholders by omitting the disclosure of a transaction in the announcement and annual report

Disputes between a listed company (Client 8, over HK$9 billion market cap) and its share option holder
Issues relating to the granting and the exercising of certain share options of a listed company

HKSAR vs Client 9 and certain ex-directors of a Listed Company
Issues relating to allegedly defrauding the shareholders by omitting the disclosure of a transaction in the announcement and annual report

Disputes between two shareholders ( Client 10, being one of the major shareholder) of a Listed Company on the alleged loss and the valuation of the underlying battery business
Issues relating to the loss quantification and the valuation of the battery business owned by the Listed Company

Disputes between the purchaser and the seller (Client 11) on several alleged losses relating to the sales and purchase of a Listed Company and its business
Issues relating to the dispute of the warranty claims on several asset and business items

Market Misconduct Tribunal proceeding against Client 12
Issues relating to failing to disclose the resignation of auditors and other matters pertaining to the resignation which are alleged to be price sensitive or inside information of a Listed Company

Market Misconduct Tribunal proceeding against Client 13
Issues relating to the trading of shares by an insider alleged to be in possession of certain price sensitive information of a Listed Company

Various pre-investigation (by regulators or enforcement units) reports
Various pre-investigation expert reports and analysis on findings and insights as to the alleged persons’ activities and behaviors